Sathya Sai Baba Center of San Francisco
San Francisco Center Activities

Details TBD
Weekly bhajan practices are held at San Francisco center on Wednesday evenings. This is an opportunity for devotees to practice bhajans they would like to offer or to learn new bhajans.

On hold for now. Please checking this section for updates
SSE Class Breakouts (4-5pm)
The SSE Calendar begins in the fall every year and ends the first week of summer.

7 pm - 9:30 pm
Bhajans (7 pm - 8:15 pm)
Study Circle ( 8:30 pm –9:30 pm)
All are welcome to join us and offer a bhajan to our beloved Swami.
We are currently reading I AM THAT by Nisargadatta Maharaj in our study circle.
Please contact Keerthana Kumar, our devotional coordinator for details

WEEKLY service project
Saturdays 9 am - 11 am
We meet at the center (573 S VanNess Ave) every Saturday morning at 9 am to prepare doggie bags with PBJ Sandwiches, water, banana, etc for the homeless.
The food is distributed in the different parts of the city to the homeless by car between 10:15 am and 11 am.
Please contact Ralph Borrmann, our service coordinator for details